
Apple Soup

This recipe is modified from Epicurious’ Beet Soup in Roasted Acorn Squash: Beets are great liver food. Beets and beet greens contain betaine, a liver detoxifier and bile thinner. This is a great recipe to cook while you’re doing a liver cleanse! If you’re interested in cleansing, I have a great program involving herbs as […]

Wintertime Wellness

Everyone knows that wintertime means playing the game of “who can run faster than the ‘bug’ trying to catch you” and lay you up in bed. Or worse, make work life miserable while you fight it off. Here are some strategies to prevent catching a cold and ways to shorten the duration. Prevention is the […]

Stress Part 1

Causes of stress come in many forms we may not be acknowledging. People think about stress in terms of a heavy work week or single parenting children, but stress can manifest from many life circumstances. Physical illness, dealing with addiction in our homes, the loss of a job or a loved one, the illness of […]


How is sleep (or lack of sleep) affecting your life? ‘I just can’t get to sleep at night.  I lay there tossing and turning for hours with my mind racing.’ ‘I fall asleep just fine but I wake up at 3 a.m. and then I’m awake for at least an hour.’ I hear these things often when […]

Acid Reflux (GERD) Naturally

GastroEsophageal Reflux occurs when the stomach contents back up into the esophagus or the mouth. This is a normal healthy process that occurs in people of all ages, most times it’s brief and it causes no problems. However, someone with GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) may experience the following often painful symptoms: heartburn, pain with swallowing, […]

Castor Oil Packs

Cold Pressed Castor Bean Oil – the old remedy for pain relief Most of us think of Castor Oil as the horrible liquid our parents made us take for the lovely laxative quality it possesses. Many are surprised to learn of the variety of uses cold pressed castor bean oil has for your health. Castor […]

Quinoa Cakes

This is a great recipe for anyone interested in trying out Quinoa! Did you know Quinoa is a whole grain and a complete protein? A good source of fiber and gluten-free, this grain cooks just like rice and has a rich nutty flavor. The recipe below is one of my favorite ways to cook Quinoa. […]

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